Crystal Focus X
The all mighty Cristal Focus from Plecter Labs !.
Lot of new features including a new cpu, a really fast smooth swing, super fast movements detection, extended colours management and sound playing capacities :
Detailed Specs. / Spécification détaillées
- ARM32 based board with 3.2W digital amplifier (constant power / volume over runtime), with 128×32 OLED support, 4 channel (RGBW) on-board drivers, USB serial port, SD card, activator + auxiliary switch, 9DoF motion sensor with MotionFusion, on-board (red) diag LED, temperature measurement and alert, voltage measurement and alert (PLI).
- Re-use of many former CF components, strong and reliable, easy and cheap to replace / service, less manufacturing issues, we try to avoid 0402 or smaller active parts which make them impossible to service by DIYers and would even make it even really hard for us (since we repair customer boards when drama happen), plus they increase / introduce manufacturing errors.
- Dimensions: 34.30 x 20.75 mm. Black and gold PCB
- SD card update with signed firmware. “Blind update” possible (on-going flashing process with the onboard diag LED) or with USB serial port monitoring (recommended)
- SD card in place sound editing / replacement
- 1 / 2 cell compatibility with no “voltage–hack” required, only a solder jumper to bridge, and only when using ledstrips with 2 cells (+5V buck regulation needed then for the strip)
- Auxiliary serial port (like the former RICE / TTL serial port). Fixed and Auxiliary 3.3V power supplies
- 3 additional GPIOs (1 currently used for Tangible interaction / blade detection)
- HB led or Ledstrip compatible (RGB / RGBW)
- Enhanced accent sequencer with 8 configurable accent LEDs (blade mirror, even in ledstrip mode, crystal pulsing, scalable PLI, sequenced accents, self-pulsing, audio flicker)
- 8 Accents resistors footprints (0603) allowing for top or bottom on-board bargraph (board can be installed facing up or down)
- Zero CPU Ledstrip driver with 2 outputs, with level shifters (compatible with 1 cell or 2 cell setups, or permanent +5V PSU for booth/demo mode).
- SD card benchmarking routine ported from CF9 and made accessible via remote message /hook (formerly a dev tool)
- 16 bits / 44.1 kHz sample rate multi-track, low latency motion to sound (4.6 to 6ms motion to clash sound) with backward compatibility with 22.050 kHz sounds (monophonic font main player should have at least hum and Fx with the same SR, otherwise, non-mixed sounds can mix SR)
- Polyphonic / monophonic font (backward) compatibility with existing fonts. Unlimited file numbers or font numbers.
- Automatic font number detection and diagnostic – Ordered Font names
- 100 ms boot time average with 12-15 fonts on the SD card
- Enhanced logging / debugging mode of all events of the board
- Omnisabers ready (like CF8-9)
- Software hooks to remotely control any aspect of the board (power on, power off, lockup, clash, blaster, on-the-fly font change, tracks playback etc) via the serial port(s) or external events (tangible, force sensing, user identification)
- Extended tangible interaction with 16 slots including blade detection (saber enabled, disable, blade insertion / removal interaction)
- AccuBolt / Multibolts engine
- 16 Color profiles and 16 blade profiles allowing mix and match, selection via SpectrumTM (angular) selection
- 10 bit color definition for more color accuracy in HB leds (and future ledstrips !) – [Legacy]
- Color dictionary to name (web) colors
- Hilt roll (twist) controlled lockup color (FoC / Lockup color blending). Think Qui-gon Ep 1 & Blast door.
- Extended use of User Interface (UI) sounds and graphics. Fully skin-able.
- SmoothSwing, implemented as described by Thexter with his public documentation, with a bunch of tweaks and heuristics to get it to my taste. Smoothswing font automatically detected, 3 Smoothswing mode legacy SS, hybrid font (using swings sounds) and (pseudo) pitch shifting mode. Per-font Smooth-swing configuration (doh)
- Vocal menu for font selection, iSaber and (soon) parameters adjustment, with use of the OLED display (if attached), animated or static graphical font description.
- Local tracks and iSaber tracks [description further] audio player(s) and double click play/pause
- Sleep mode (accent stop, partially reduced current) with automatic wake (aux, movement) – Deep sleep with 240uA (18 months of shelf-time with a 3200 mAh fully charged cell). Board revived with either AUX or ACT
- Support for NO and NC latching switch though some of the new features require ACT as momentary switch
- Motion sensing for font selection (in menu or when blade is off)
- Quick Ignite: automatically starts the saber when reviving from deep sleep (en./dis.)
- Power-on sound interrupt with motion sounds (en. / dis.)
- OLED Font graphic support (static or animated), or font name and number if no graphic provided.
- OLED animation diversity (signal analysis, vu-meter, screenAccentsTM, midi-chlorian scanner)
- OLED animated screen savers (currently 4), can be customized to taste.
- OLED 3D files support (custom spinning 3D object on the screen, OBJ file format)
- OLED PLI support (custom, examples provided)
- OLED orientation parameter and custom boot / info strings.
- OLED custom boot screen (static or scrolling) or font graphic
- OLED animated blade and color profiles transition
- OLED animated blade insertion, removal, tangible selection, saber disabling or low power
- Reduced idle quiescent: 42mA with SD card and all peripheral activated (not playing sound)
- High temperature, low power, dead power, blade missing, blade inserted UI sounds & graphics.
- Disable lockup and blaster for heavy duelers (Use 0 for lockup delay)
- Font skipping for quicker selection in the vocal menu (when the SD card stores 1138 fonts but you don’t need all of them)
- SpectrumTM “filtered” selection (per font) to reduce the selection to a limited number of color or blade profile.
- Booth Mode (or mannequin / poser) with automatic ignition retraction with randomized blade & color profiles
- Magic activation and saber locking / unlocking using a magnet
- Easter eggs!