User notice

You have purchased a PDWN Mk4 saber equipped with a RGB CORE. Find its user manual here. Discover all its features: how to turn it on, change the colors, modify the sound volume… Read all the information in this user guide. But above all, check your version is in the list below:

Compatible hardware:

  • PDWN Mk4 equipped with a RGB CORE purchased after December 1, 2021
  • RGB CORE purchased after December 1, 2021


1 – Different states of the saber

Your saber can be in the following states:

    • Off: The saber is completely stoped.
    • Ready: The saber is powered on but awaits for a command.
    • Standby: The saber is on sleep mode.
    • Active: The saber is active, its blade is lit or you are configuring it with adequate gestures.


2 – Powering on and off


Powering on

This operation brings the saber from Off to Ready state.
A tone should be heard and a red circle appears around the button.

Press the button for one second.


Starting the saber

This operation brings the saber from Ready to Active.
The blade will become bright and some sounds should come up.

Brief pressure on the button.


Blade extinction

This operation brings the saber from Active to Ready.
Blade and sounds goes off.

Press the button for 1,5 seconds.

The ring around the button will blink 4 times.

Saber extinction

This operation brings the saber from Active to Standby.
After 10 minutes in this mode, the saber passes to the Off state.

Press the button for 10 seconds.


3 – Changing blade colors and effects


Changing blade colors

This operation sets the blade color. It should be done from the Ready state.


Press the button for 1 second then let go.
> The ring around the button flashes twice
> Colors start cycling one after the other
> Press the button once to select the current color


Changing blade effects

This operation gives you the opportunity to change blade’s effect/flicker. This should be done from the  Ready state.

Press the button for one second for the next behaviour.

Repeat the operation to cycle between the 3 modes : Stable, Instable and Pulsation.

4 – Sound management


Change sound font (9 available)

This operation changes the sound font or bank used by the saber. This should be done from the Ready state.

Press the button for 1,5 seconds.
> The led ring around the button flashes 3 times.

Repeat the operation to cycle between the 9 sounds fonts available.

Turn the volume on/off

This operation can mute / unmute the saber. This should be done from the Ready state.

Press the button for 0,5 seconds.
> The ring led flashes once


5 – Blade effects


Blaster parry effect

This operation simulates a blaster shot parry. It has to be done from the Active state.

Brief pressure on the button


Blade opposition

This operation simulates a prolongated blades opposition. It has to be done from the Active state.

Press the button for 0,5 seconds and release.